A lot of the work I do involves graphics and design, most of which ends up filtering over into my real, day-to-day life and its arrangements. That means I have all sorts of printed goodies laying around my flat, some of which is used (most of which is in the "really husband, I will do something with this stuff" pile). I made these free recipe card templates on a whim, thinking some of you might get a kick out of something bright, modern, and not a boring and typical 4x6 lined index card in your recipe catalogue. All of these cards are 4x6 inches, so will fit nicely in that aforementioned catalogue box thingie, or whatever it is you use (organised chaos, perhaps).
Now available in pdf format!
Based on feedback I wanted to both create a higher quality format and all the cards to be typed on for printing. The result is a pdf document, in which you can add your own text. Please be aware any text you type beyond the realm of the visible card will not show when printed. This seems like common sense but hey, you never know. You can type in and save this format to disk, too.
Download “Floral Pop 4x6 Recipe Cards” Floral-Pop-4x6-recipe-cards.pdf – Downloaded 10517 times – 84.25 KB
Bridget says
Great site....Keep blogging! I made salsify and tofu fritters last night. Really yummy. I will perfect the recipe then mail it to you. I will also get some more exciting vegan ice cream recipes for you to try 🙂
Kip says
mmmm tofu anything is great in my book! Can't wait for the recipe, and for vegan ice cream recipes! mmmmmm. Thanks for finding my blog 🙂
Christine says
The recipe cards are lovely.....I love the simplicity and elegantness. The flowers look like the wildflowers in my garden.
Kip says
Hi Christine! Thanks for the positive feedback (and I'm jealous of your wildflowers).
kara says
Thanks - these are wonderful!
Jacks says
Thank you.
Really made with love.
Tricotaine says
I love them thank you so much for offering them. My sister is moving out and I thought I would give her various kitchen tools and recipes and your cards will be perfect. Thank you
Kelley says
These are just gorgeous! Thank you so much.
Jillian says
I LOVE the designs!! Is there any way to get a copy that can be used with MS Word or another program where we can TYPE in recipes for printing? I have Photoshop CS if that helps...
Kip says
I hadn't thought about having the designs available in a way they can be used to type in, but I'll give it a think and let you know if I come up with any bright ideas...
Jane @ What About Mom says
Beautiful cards. I'm going to use the blue one right now!
Jane @ What About Mom says
Oh, and SnagIt is a great tool to "write" on them.
Thanks again!
Rosie says
Oh, these are gorgeous. Thanks so much.
Autumn says
I am so excited about the simple design of these recipe cards but sad as I can't type the recipe on them before I print. Are you planning on formatting them so they can be typed on. If so, I'll wait. But I am looking for a way to type all of my recipes to store them neatly. Let me know. Thanks.
Ashley says
I LOVE these recipe cards! They're exactly what I have been looking for, but I wanted to be able to type the recipes on them. Is there any way I can get them in a file that would allow me to do that? Thanks so much!
Eve says
Thanks for the cards!
I like them a lot and I'd like to use them, but the quality is poor when I import them to Mac Word at 4x6 ... any suggestions?
Kip says
Okay, okay... you all talked me into it. I finally started looking into options which allowed for typing directly onto the cards. Just use the pdf document 🙂
Dana says
Thanks so much for sharing these recipe cards. They are adorable and saved me just when I thought I'd have to use something remincient of grandma's kitchen! I'll try to pay it forward! 🙂 Happy holidays.
Martine says
Thank you very much for the recipe cards and taking the time to make the PDF version. I love being able to type directly onto the cards.
Catharine says
These cards are just what I've been looking for! Any chance, though, that you could include all four of the card versions in the pdf file? Right now, it has two of the green ones instead of a yellow one... Thanks in advance!
Laura Davis says
Hi I absolutely love these. Thank you so much for adding the text boxes so I can type rather then writing them all in. I do have a problem though. For some reason I can't type into the yellow recipe card and get it to print. Is there something I am not doing right. Please, HELP!!
Laura Davis
Erin says
Thanks so much! These are perfect!! My Sis is getting married and I am planning to pass these out to family and friends to make a special gift. And I may be the only one, but I prefer hand written! It is almost like having a diary of penmanship from all of your closest loved ones. Thanks again!!
kippygo says
What a cool idea for a gift, Erin 🙂 I am a slave to my keyboard but I too prefer hand written... It's an art that sadly seems to be dying fast!
Nancy Ward says
I posted an entry on my blog with a link to this tutorial/templates.
Would you let me know if that's OK?
Nancy Ward
Catherine says
These are wonderful! I've been wanting to type up all my recipes and these are just the things I need. Thanks very much. And just to mention, the yellow card won't print out anything you type that's not the title. I don't know if it's the layout or what, but I thought I'd mention it since someone else had the same problem. Thanks!
kippygo says
ah ha! I worked it out! Should be fixed now 🙂
judi goldman says
How do I type on the card on the computer?? The card has lines on it and when I type in a recipe, the text does not match the lines on the card. Also, when downloaded, the cards are yellow not white. Help!!!!
kippygo says
Hi Judi,
I'm not sure what's going on there... My guess is the yellow is simply highlighting the text areas and won't show when printed, but you would have to do a test print to be sure. As far as the lines go, the text sits on the lines correctly when I try it on multiple computers so I'm completely stumped on that one!
Marcia says
I love these designs, thanks for sharing!!
kippygo says
I'm so glad you like them 🙂
Jen says
Thank YOU!
I was looking everywhere for something cute and simple for my wedding shower gift, she requested vegetarian recipes in stead of purchasing cards. I love your cards very cute!
K says
I am using your recipe cards and I posted some finished ones on my blog. I posted a link to bring people back here for blank ones that they can fill themselves. I hope that is OK. http://typical-ramblings.blogspot.com/
kippygo says
No problem! So long as it's not commercial, I'm completely okay with that... and happy to see someone making use of the cards 🙂
Amanda Page says
Great cards, love the PDF format. In the PDF format, the red card won't allow any fields to be filled out other than the title and the first line.
kippygo says
Hey Amanda, thanks for pointing that out. It should be fixed now!
Libbi says
I click on the download but nothing hapens. Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong? I would love to get the cards.
kippygo says
Very odd, Libbi. I just tried and it worked, so maybe when you were on the site there was a little hiccup. Try again maybe?
JOY says
Amada_Tierra says
They're lovely 🙂 Thanks a lot!
Martha says
I absolutely love your recipe cards and love the fact that there are different colors. I am planning to use the different colors for different food items like red-meat, green veggies,etc. Have you considered making a Vertical version?
Shelly says
Okay, I admit I am a computer idiot. Am trying to download to my iMac with no success. How do I 'right click and save' - is there some other command I should be using? Have tried to drag to desktop and open there, but comes over as a jpg file and won't let me type any info. Any suggestions?
kippygo says
Hi Martha,
I don't use a mac but it sounds like you're doing everything right. In order to type on the cards, however, you would need to open them in a program such as photoshop to edit (I originally made these cards to print and hand write on). Perhaps it would be better for you to download the pdf document in the post because you can type and print on the cards in there...
Danielle says
These are SOOO cute!! Thank you so much for sharing them...I love them!
christine says
OMG I have been loking every where for some cute cards. I deff came top the right spot. There not all gradma-ish. there young and fun.
Katie says
I love these cards, they are just what I've been looking for...however, it makes it really hard that I can't save the PDF form after its been typed on. It is up to the author of the form to allow people to save the form....could you please consider it?
Kyla Nicole says
Thank you for sharing; these are wonderful =]
jennipenni says
These are absolutely beautiful. You are so talented!
I'm wondering if there is an easy way to save each card as a jpg file after I fill it out? I have a huge credit at a photo center, but only for 4x6 pictures. I don't have Photoshop, so the only thing I've figured out so far is to copy your image here and past into paint and add a text box and save each one as a jpg file. Since you're obviously so super creative, I was thinking maybe there was an easier way?
kippygo says
Hmm, good question... In order to save the images individually to take to a photo centre, your idea is probably as good as any other. Interesting idea, to get a photo place to print!
jennipenni says
Hoping this will help someone...Just an update, I filled out the forms in pdf format and then did a print screen for each of the four cards. Then I pasted the print screen into Paint and cropped to 4x6 and printed one on a 4x6 photo card. The quality was perfect. Thank you so much for sharing these!
cherylkirk says
I love these cards but when I type it is just a plain font. I really like the font in your demo above. How do I change fonts? I cannot find an option for that?
kippygo says
Hi Cheryl,
Glad you like the cards! Unfortunately font licences come with all sorts of agreements, and most of them don't allow you to embed them in software without special permissions and/or extra payments (if at all). I respect any artist's work and always err on the side of caution, never embedding anything that isn't strictly mine.
Sarah says
Hi! I wanted to send you an email to tell you that I linked to your wonderful recipe card downloads on my blog, but when I click the Aout or Contact links I get an error. Anyway, I posted them on my blog simplyfunstuff.blogspot.com. Thanks for sharing!
San Diego
Jacy says
Maybe I'm not seeing it, but I can't figure out to get the PDF form of this. Any help??? I was sent here by littenannygoat.blogspot.com
These are absolutely beautiful, by the way 😀
Kip says
Thanks for commenting about this! Turns out I'd accidentally turned off some software which added a download link thingy (technical speak). It should be fixed now 🙂 Thanks for letting me know.
gena says
I am not seeing a download option on here right now as well. Are these still available?
Kip says
They should be there now!
cookie says
i love your disigns. They are so cute!
Denise Groves says
Oh my goodness! These are absolutely the most beautiful recipe cards I have ever seen! Bar none!
Liz Budd says
I love the simple attractive design of these recipe cards. Thank you so much!
LuAnn M says
I really liked these recipe card templates - they're pretty and easy to use. My only problem with them are the ruled lines. I guess if my type isn't going to print on them correctly, I'd just as soon have them blank, without the rule lines. Very fun cards though, thanks!
LuAnn M says
I really liked these recipe card templates - they're pretty and easy to use. My only problem with them are the ruled lines. I guess if my type isn't going to print on them correctly, I'd just as soon have them blank, without the rule lines. Very fun cards though, thanks!
marie says
These are cute....I downloaded them for me to use for my recipes....thanks!
Kori says
I'm having the same problem as LuAnn. I can type in the cards but it doesn't fit on the lines correctly. Any way to change that?? When I'm on the page that allows you to type in cards, I don't have any options to change my font size. I'm using a Mac.
Kip says
I triple checked the cards and I have to say I'm a bit baffled as to why this is happening!
risi13 says
These lists are perfect for my cooking nights! Each Saturday evening I bring some friends I know from a florist Phoenix AZ at my place and we cook and talk deep things and have a lot of fun. We share recipes and cooking tips, these card templates are just what I needed.
Lizzy says
I don't see the link where I can download the template. 🙁
Kip says
Thanks for pointing out the error, Lizzy! It's fixed now 🙂
Carole Saylor says
I liked the design of the recipe cards. However, I was very disappointed that I couldn't save my recipes to my computer. I don't like having to keep track of paper recipes and I prefer to not kill unnecessary trees. I deleted the template and won't use it. Carole Saylor
haleyelayne says
I LOVE these cards Is there a way I can get them in 3x5?
Katkllctr says
Did you ever get them in 3x5? I need that size as well.
Chandapie says
These are so pretty! Thanks so much for your time and talent. They worked great for me! I printed out my chili recipe for my cooking group that meets this Saturday. Thanks so much!
Jesseagee says
I love these! Can you make some available without lines?
mindelicious says
This was exactly what I was looking for! I love that I can add type before I print. Thank you, thank you!
Channy says
I love it but how about a .jpg or .jpeg file too?
Kip says
Hey Channy,
The reason I stopped using jpg files is because I had tonnes of queries about why the sizing was wrong- people just want to hit 'print' and have it work, and the only way to make it almost foolproof was via the use of pdf files.
Rachey says
I love how these look! Is there any way you could make them a template for Microsoft word? I would like to be able to change the font and color of the text but can't do that with the current template.
Jane Rivera says
Every cook needs a recipe card box in their kitchen to hold their secret family recipes that have been passed down through the generations.
Amanda says
I had to search quite a bit, but thankfully I found your site and found these amazing pdf recipe cards! Much easier to work with than an online form that you have to plug the different pieces in, and many other places print out in the wrong size. Here, 4X6 really is 4X6 when it is printed! Thank you!
Kip says
Glad you like the cards, Amanda! Thanks for the lovely comment. x
Caitlin says
Love the cards, and would love if you could save and EDIT them! They are too close to one another & I like to make mine double sided so I have PLENTY of room for my recipes, when I try to print them out double sided, they overlap and are way off. So therefore I have no use for this template. Sad.
Kip says
Hi Caitlin,
I bet there are loads of cool recipe cards on pinterest, so that may be a good place to start looking for cards more suited to your purposes.
Carrie Finney says
I tried to download the pdf of this recipe card and it is giving me an error message. Does it still work?
Kip says
Hi Carrie,
What error message are you receiving? The download works okay for me so maybe it was temporary?
Carrie Finney says
It says "We can't open this file. Something went wrong." and there is a refresh button. But the button doesn't do anything.
Kip says
Should be fixed now!
I reserve the right to improve malicious and trollish comments.