Messy Vegan Cook

Use your leftover okara to make a burger, man!


It never ceases to amaze me how few okara recipes there are available. That was a bit of an overstatement, but I mean I always just see things like "oh, I throw it in muffins" rather than concrete recipes. There are a few good recipes out there, like Fat Free Vegan's "Crab" Cakes and the repository at Ellen's Kitchen, but in general the pickings are slim.

So here's a dead simple recipe with tasty results, a thick burger made from okara. I really want to get some more okara recipes out there since it's such a nutritious thing to waste (for those who make their own soy milk, you can probably relate with the guilt felt when throwing yet another batch in the bin). If you have any suggestions, please, by all means share them!

Recipe Notes

These okara burgers are more like the beefier of the frozen veggie dealios you pick up at your supermarket. No vegetables here, I'm afraid (but technically wine contains fruit, so it totally counts as healthy). Experiment with the spices all you want, but I recommend sticking with the yeast extract because it really imparts a beefy flavour. Finally, for a less firm burger try using a little more liquid in the mix.

Steamed Okara Soy Burger

Makes two large burgers
  • Directions/Method
    1. In a coffee or spice mill or food processor, grind the the TVP with the spices to a fine powder. Mix thoroughly in a large bowl with all of the other ingredients except the vital wheat gluten.
    2. Incorporate the gluten flour into the mix, kneading for about two minutes. The dough will be fairly stiff, but still workable.
    3. Divide the dough into two parts, forming each into a ball. Press each one between the palms of your hands to form a rough burger shape and place each one on greaseproof or wax paper in a steamer basket.
    4. Steam the soy burgers for 30 minutes and then proceed to use as you would any other burger (e.g. grill with vegan cheese on top).
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