Messy Vegan Cook

Veggie Understanding for the Masses

Veggie Signs

Who's in need of a lesson in veganism? And just how do you convince them it's all rainbows and happiness as opposed to bitter closed doors?

Think about your audience

Let's face it: we want the world to give up meat. We want people to see the reality of an industry which promotes all the things most everyone in the West claims to hate, like animal abuse, world hunger and poverty, plus the excessive rise in greenhouse gases and its environmental impact. We want people to face up and be responsible.

I think the problem is often, and I've definitely been guilty of this, that we can be pushy as hell. Copping an attitude puts people on the defensive, however, so it's not such a great way to get people to see your side. A little bit of patience all around has surprising results when it comes to explaining veggie reasoning to a non-veg (or even a transitioning veg).

The thing is, we all have different backgrounds, different experiences, different levels of tolerance and acceptance. We all have individual comfort zones and varying resistances to change, creature comforts and hard-set lifestyles. It's sometimes hard to see or even acknowledge the barriers, so I figured I'd posit what I've observed as stereotypical populations involved and the opposing views of which I've made mental note over the years.

The vegetarian / vegan

The recently converted

The anxious but willing omnivore

The Meat and Potatoes Dad


Are you an omnivore currently trying to work with a vegetarian or vegan? A vegetarian or vegan sharing a kitchen with an omnivore? Do you have any additional suggestions on how to cope with the differences and difficulties presented by these situations? Leave a comment below!

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