Messy Vegan Cook

Vegan MoFo III

I'm going to take this opportunity to clue my readers, browsers, and any interested parties into  a secret. Okay, well it's not a secret. In fact it's pretty obvious, but it's one of those things I just haven't felt compelled to share until now. Astute readers will have noticed there has been a significant reduction of recipes on this site which use dairy. Aha, so there you have it: I'm moving on to a vegan diet.

What's the point? Your point?

Over time I began to realise all the reasons I preached to myself and to inquisitive others about my vegetarian diet were in fact reasons for being vegan. I don't believe in animal cruelty, I'm a big supporter of human rights, and I support environmental awareness and reductions of factors contributing to global warming. These are issues which negatively correspond to our industry of animals for food.

I won't lie and pretend I'm going to be little miss vegan princess (or little miss anything which involves princesses, come to think of it). I know I won't be as strict as many others and I know I'm not going to waste food. Should I ingest milk or eggs I won't heave like if I found out I'd accidentally eaten meat, and I'm going to try my hardest not to be as controlling and judgemental of others.

It's hard not to be controlling. Also hard not to be judgemental.

Vegan Month of Food

I'm taking the opportunity to announce my not-so-dirty secret because October is the vegan month of food, or VeganMoFo for short, and I've decided to participate.

The idea of Vegan MoFo is to blog as much as possible about vegan food for the month of October. That means posts around here will be more frequent and varied; a mix of recipes, ideas, pictures, and thoughts. I'd also like to invite anyone to ask questions or make suggestions for what you'd like to see on the site. Is there a particular recipe out there which you'd like to see veganised? Do you have a suggestion for a recipe I've already posted? Are you battling an insufferable case of kittens on the mind?

Drop me a note!

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