Messy Vegan Cook

Ringing in Vegan MoFo 2010

What's this, kids? Already time for MoFo '10?!

November is the Vegan Month of Food, a project started by Isa Chandra Moskowitz four years ago. Inspired by (NaNoWriMo) National Novel Writing Month, Vegan MoFo is a blogging event whereby all of its participants try to write as much as they can about vegan food and veganism for the whole month.

Don't take me, nor the gist of the event, wrong; this isn't a vegan preaching fest. It's about food, and food is what we're here for. For the Messy Vegetarian Cook, here's what MoFo 2010 will be (at least partially) about:

I generally aim to update Messy Vegetarian Cook at least once per week, with the odd week off, but this month there will be an increase in the frequency and number of posts. So there you go. Bring it on, November!

Be sure to subscribe to the RSS feed to keep up.

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