Messy Vegan Cook

Oven Baked Sesame Wonton Crackers

Sesame Wonton Crackers

Perfect for party snacks and easy enough for even the most unskilled amateur kitchenista, these baked sesame wonton crackers are perfect with drinks and light food. Guests will be impressed you made crackers from scratch (hey, you don't have to tell them the ridiculous simplicity factor). Try sprinkling with toasted sesame seeds for added flair.

I made a variation of these for a vegan cheese and wine party I attended a few weeks ago (along with this blue cheese dip, both of which seemed to go down fairly well.

Sesame Wonton Crackers

Makes about 30
  • Directions/Method
    1. Preheat the oven to 150 C (300 F).
    2. Slice the wonton skins from one corner to the other, creating 30 halves.
    3. Mix all other ingredients but the optional salt and/or sugar for coating. Ensure the sugar is dissolved (hence castor sugar is a good option).
    4. Arrange the skins on a baking tray, coating each side with the liquid mixture. You can do this with a pastry brush or by simply dipping the skins in the sauce before placing on the tray. If you'd like, throw a few flakes more salt and/or sugar on the soon to be crackers (a mix of both is my favourite).
    5. Bake for about 10 minutes, turning the tray halfway through (so for you maths whizzes out there, that's 5 minutes first and then 5 more minutes after turning the tray around).
    6. Remove and all to cool for a few minutes before serving.
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