Messy Vegan Cook

Friends and food: a South East Asian dinner party

I realised this morning that I don't have a single free weekend left before the dreaded c-word day late next month. To the socialites among you, that's no biggie, but to me it's huge. You see I've come a long way in the last year and a half, from having no friends within a 3,000 mile radius to having a semi-regular social life. I'm an affectionate (hello awkward transition from American to British life) but private and generally people-avoiding (hello awkward transition when I return home for visits) person, perfectly comfortable being alone; most of the time people just Stress. Me. Out.

But here's the thing: While preparing dinner, contemplating my newfound social schedule, I realised something. You see, when I love my company people really aren't so stressful anymore. So a great big thank you to my friends. And to anyone who's humming the Golden Girls theme song right now, you're welcome for getting that stuck in your head for the next two weeks (erase it by listening to this or this instead).


Anyway, what you came here for are some shite flash images of dinner, right? Shadows and reflections on food are, afterall, always appetising.

The full menu comprised of lemongrass stuffed tofu, yum som-o, pumpkin hummus, sweet and sour tamarind sauce, peanut and coconut dip, rice, fried cashews, Khmer cardamom curry, green tea rice, and green papaya salad. Desserts were sticky coconut rice and banana in banana leaf, my balls, and sticky rice in coconut milk.

The Table Spread

Khmer Cardamom Curry

Lemongrass Stuffed Tofu in Tomato Sauce

Yum Som-O and Papapa Salad

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