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Frequently Asked Questions

Who are you?

My name's Kip, or Catherine if you prefer, and I live in East London (the one in England, not Canada). If you want to know more, you can read all about me here.

What's with the Thai food obsession?

I have been visiting Thailand for more than 15 years. An increasing interest in the country's cuisine led me to learn to speak and read minimal Thai. I know only enough of the language to read Thai cookbooks and speak in very basic terms with food vendors. Thai food is my great passion.

Why vegan, not vegetarian?

Some of you might have originally found this blog when it was titled Messy Vegetarian Cook. For 18 years I practised a vegetarian lifestyle, but in 2009 I chose to become vegan. Vegetarianism directly supports suffering and death and it is not necessary to consume animal products, so the choice was a no brainer.

So do you hate vegetarians and meat eaters?

I would lie if I said I was comfortable being around people consuming animal products, much like I am uncomfortable being around someone who is sexist. Using animals for our pleasure is an accepted narrative in a world where 100% of non-human animals are legally considered property. Like with any issue of justice and fairness, however, conversation is key. People generally respond positively to kindness and information.

Don't you miss having food that has flavour?

This is one of the age-old myths of veganism. I eat a greater variety of food and incorporate more unique flavours into my meals than any omnivore I know. Change means shifting from usual habits, and in this case that shift inevitably leads to diversifying the entire approach to food.

You seem organised and your pictures are nice, so why the descriptor of messy?

It's possible to take a good photo in a disordered space. I am a chaotic thinker and doer with the ability to present as the competent person I am when necessary. Glitter canons are more tidy than me. My kitchen often resembles a scene of destruction. I'm also gracelessly inelegant. I view all of these as perks of my personality rather than disadvantages to be fixed.

I've got a question you didn't answer!

Feel free to contact me and I'll try my hardest to answer, or pass along any resources I think may be of use.

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